This crazy being will tell you how beautiful life is but usually forgets what she tells…
She is a clown with a broken heart…It’s really hard to explain but it’s real!
She celebrates sunrise, acquiring a new pair of shoes, scent of autumn (imaginary one), birth, and a full moon.
She’s beautiful. That’s what she thinks…(and what she thinks matters! he he)
She always keeps a rosary but she doesn’t really know how to pray using it.
During her college days, she would usually ask her younger sister to do her HWs in College Algebra.
She has decided to perform on stage (Libingan ng mga Bayani as Gabriela Silang) just to have valid reasons for not attending the said subject. (The professor was allowing the actors and actresses to practice during his time…)
She loves wall climbing! She’s actually a member of Power Up.
Ask her students about ’sharks’ and ’sharkproof’ and they will be able to tell you how she teaches grammar.
The most memorable certificate she has received was the "Kill the Shark" award (given by a group of students few years back).
Ask her students, ‘What did she bring the first time she entered your classroom?’ (They won’t fail to give you the right answer.)
She is an abstract painting. Only her self could really understand her.
She loves sketching and painting but she is very poor in color combination. This is because of the fact that she lived her first 25 years on this earth facing a black and white TV.
She’s poor in speling.
She could hardly pronounce s, sh, ch f, z.
She loves keeping and collecting quotes from all the books that she has read.
She loves going to places hidden from eyes…(censored)
She has planted crayons and let them grow in her heart.(corny)
Jubal Sackett (from the book of the same title), Santiago (The Alchemist), and Pilar (By the River Piedra…) are her most loved fiction characters.
She loves Hubert Webb, Michael Jackson, Princess Dianna, and Pope John Paul II.
She has kept clippings of the Vizconde massacre. (Thanks to her college friends for supporting her in this endeavor. They used to give her pages from newspapers featuring the sensationalized case.)
She’s into ‘trouble’ nowadays (trouble differentiating fantasy from reality).
Chemistry and Physics were her favorite subjects way back in high school, Psychology and Social Philosophy in College.
Her dream of performing a magic trick came true 3 years ago. (transforming water into wine)
Her first taste of ‘gin’ happened when she was in 2nd year high school (with Mary Jane, Kokok, and two other friends).
Jun Caparas (not related to Carlo J. Caparas) was her first crush.
In 1991, she started making her diaries as her real friends. She has never stopped writing since then.
She has studied in a public high school with no canteen, no library, no guards, no presentable gates (she used to climb the fence at the back of her room just to catch up with her first period), no rules about haircut, tardiness, uniform, wearing of shoes, vandalism, etc.
She was a basketball player and softball player (first base catcher) when she was in HS, volleyball player in college.
She has once involved herself in a butch-femme relationship.
She believes that there are no bad words, there are just bad persons.
She has done more mistakes in her life than anyone could ever imagine. (Never that she had regrets! …for she believes that unless a person makes at least 50 mistakes a day, he/she is not trying hard enough!)
She lost her first son in 2002 (the most painful chapter of her life). She named him Wilson in memory of the ball in the movie "Cast Away". (But Wilson had the same plight with that of the ball…he was lost in the middle of the sea even before he was born…)
She lives in the present. If death wins over her in an unexpected time, at least she could tell God that she did enjoy life’s every single moment.
If you want to make her drop everything she’s doing, let her hear the song "The Leader of the Band", or the instrumental of "Somewhere in Time".
She writes in codes. Her latest diary is done that way. Reason? Unravel the mystery if you can!
She loves deep conversations. If you can’t give her that, don’t start one! ( but an erotic conversation would do…That sounds deeper anyway…)
It is when she laughs to the fullest that she is in her saddest mode.
Her life is a total paradox.
She could communicate with someone by just merely looking at the moon. (That’s being lunatic! It’s a talent!)
If she loves the movie she’s watching, she’ll stand and applaud when it ends (even if everybody in the cinema looks at her asking himself/herself, "What the hell is happening?").
Confucius is her favorite historical figure. She follows his Ten Golden Rules by heart.
The poem "If" of Rudyard Kipling is her favorite (next to the Rubaiyat of O. Khayyam).
She eats like crazy (as in!).
You’ll love her the moment you taste her "papaitan".
Her maturity level started shrinking after her college days (and it’s getting worst now…)
She’s into mountaineering activities nowadays… a dream that has almost been forgotten…but now she’s back to reach the summit.
She almost died at the peak of Mt. Sembrano (June 21-22) due to typhoon Frank's signal number 3.
She could hardly move on and she has no idea of what really a closure is!
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