(We took the less-travelled trail...)
Huh! Times have been tough lately...
Battles deep within were fought...
Got no idea if I've won those battles or they've won over me...
Well right now, I'm in the midst of uncertainties...of ovlivion perhaps ha ha. I come to this point at times where only me could understand the inner "me". Whoah!
So what do I do to contribute for the betterment of society despite these seemingly neverending battles within?
At present,
1. I do promote and support REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLe Campaign.2. I involve myself in a lot of mountaineering activities.
3. I always try to CATCH someone doing something right.
4. I read a lot of ZEN-related thoughts through the net. They are really great, I tell you.
5. I personally make paperbags out of old pages of glossy magazines, old visual aids, etc. Those paperbags are used in the shop of my sister. Every paperbag has a tag that says: This shop supports and promotes "REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE" Campaign. Please help save the environment. Isn't it noble? Ha ha.
By the way, I encourage you to do the same (not just the paperbag thing) but the whole idea of becoming deeply involved in building a better community.
If you're a teacher, use your time to inculcate to the young the essense of loving the earth through simple yet noble projects and goals.
If you're a student, reuse materials for your projects. Share what you've learned in school to your immediate families and encourage them to pay you forward (by sharing good things to others).
If you're a politician, launch projects related to Clean and Green Campaign.
If you're an Anthonian, you should understand deeply what I mean and what I hope you to do.
6. I dream of seeing every Filipino speaking well about the country, expressing their pride of this heritage and of the chance being one of the "brownmen".
Proud to be Pinay,
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